Thursday, January 14, 2010

Review of Silent Screams by C.E. Lawrence, reviewed by Ann Coghill

Title: Silent Screams
Author: C.E. Lawrence
Genre: fiction, thriller, murder
Reviewer: Ann Coghill (Lynchburg, Virginia, USA)
Rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't think I've ever read a thriller as descriptive as this one. The author is amazing at describing details - settings, thoughts, feelings, etc. It truly feels like the character is a part of the reader. Some people will not like this book simply because the amount of detail makes it a fairly long book. I felt the same at first, but that changed as the story and characters developed. Also I have to admit that even I didn't see the twist at the end of the book.

I'd never heard of C.E. Lawrence before reading this and saw no other books by this author, so I did some research because I couldn't believe this was a first novel. Sure enough, the author's website says C.E. Lawrence is the "byline of a New York-based suspense writer, performer, and prize-winning playwright whose previous books have been praised." I do hope that we'll see more from this author and of the book's protagonist, Lee Campbell.

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